Welcome to the homepage of the Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Conference. We are excited to share with the world our organization dedicated to the study and appreciation of all fandom and media products and phenomena.
Fandom for us includes all aspects of being a fan, ranging from being a passive audience member to producing one’s own parafictive or interfictive creations. Neomedia includes both new media as it is customarily defined as well as new ways of using and conceptualizing old media.
Ours is an interdisciplinary group, including historians, psychologists, geologists, writers, and independent scholars. We welcome contributions from all disciplines and from all levels of academic achievement. To that end, we have a rolling CFP for reviews and and articles for The Phoenix Papers, an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal. This journal includes reviews, full papers, and also the of papers presented at our annual conference. Our conference, held in June each year, is hosted by A-Kon in Dallas, Texas.
If you have any questions, wish to submit a review, have any general thoughts or suggestions, or want to join our committee, please visit the Contact Us page.
Thank you,
Jay Pustějovskeý Bennett
Chairman, FANS Association