This Week in Fandom and Neomedia Studies (30 May – 5 June) This week’s run of news stories is a fascinating look at NFTs, court rulings, and Amazon giving up. The NFT Market Collapsed Earlier this year, NFTs, non-fungible tokens, took the world by storm, with one item going for as much as $6.6 million at auction. And, like most storms, they passed...
The Phoenix Papers, Vol. 3, No. 2
The Phoenix Papers Vol. 3, No. 2 Ladies, Gentlemen, and Others, it is our pleasure and privilege to present to you the latest edition of our journal, The Phoenix Papers. Front Matter: Cover, Letter from the Editor, and Table of Contents; Frontispiece by Jacquelynn Mumm White of Crimson Dream Productions J. Holder Bennett, FANS Chair “Who I Want to Be”:...
CFP: FANS Law & Politics Studies Area
FANS Law and Politics Call for Papers The Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Association, an internationally recognized academic organization, invites article submissions to its Law and Politics Studies Area with this Call for Papers. Topics in this area include but are not limited to: Twitter politics Representations of law in cinema and television Legal...
FANS Occasional Papers 2017
All papers herein published are vetted for accuracy and for adherence to the FANS Style Guide as well as relevance to our fields of interest. They do not represent the policies or positions of FANS as an organization. FANS OP #0001: An Analysis and Brief History of Foreigners’ Rights under the US Constitution by J. Holder Bennett. DOI:...
FANS Law & Politics Call for Editors
Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Association Law & Politics Studies Area Call for Editors The Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Association, an internationally recognized academic organization, invites applications for membership in its Law and Politics Studies Area with this Call for Editors. This group will examine the interconnections between fandom...