Fandom and Neomedia Studies

FANS Reviews & Documentaries

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FANS Reviews & Documentaries

FANS is always accepting reviews of books, films, graphic novels, video games, and other media for its publications. For The Phoenix Papers, materials should be related to fandom and/or neomedia studies. For Monumenta Mythica, materials should be related to myth, legend, and/or folklore. In both cases, we take a broad view of what falls into those fields. If in doubt, please use the Contact Us page. Reviews for The Phoenix Papers must be in English but those for Monumenta Mythica may also be in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Japanese. The reviewed work can be in any language for either journal.

Reviewed items should be from no more than three years before the submission date, though new looks at classics will be considered. Reviews should be no more than 3,000 words and must adhere to our Style Guide. All accepted reviews will be published in the immediately following edition of their respective journal.

FANS also accepts documentary submissions. They may be on fandom, media studies, myth, legend, or folklore, broadly understood. Videos should be no more than 15 minutes in length. So long as documentary creators include English subtitles, the films may be use any spoken or signed language. Acceptable file formats are mp4, wmv, and mov. Successful submissions will be hosted on the FANS YouTube channel.

Original authors/creators of all FANS content retain all copyright and associated rights to their works under a Creative Commons license and give FANS permission to publish their work. Documentary creators must include notice of their Creative Commons license in the video itself.

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