Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Association Health and Biology Studies Area
Call for Editors
It is our pleasure to announce a Call for Editors for the new Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Association Health and Biology Studies Area. This area will examine the interplay between health, medical, and biology topics and fandom and media studies, broadly construed to include both physical and mental health.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
- Effects of social media on health knowledge and practices
- Physical/Mental disorders associated with media usage
- Darknet use in the illicit drug trade
- (Mis)Representations of health and biology in media
- Online medical scams/hoaxes
- Telemedicine
- Accessibility and vulnerability of electronic patient records
- Wearable health devices
- Role of advertising in health decisions
- Social detachment and engagement via media
- Performance enhancing drugs in MLG or online gaming
- VR technology in medicine
While anyone, committee members and non-members alike, may submit a paper for consideration for our peer-reviewed, open access annual journal, The Phoenix Papers, and/or presentation at our conference, committee members must possess certain qualifications.
To be considered for membership, an applicant must be a current or retired member of the medical community in good standing, or regularly engaging in biological and/or medical research, or have or be in pursuit of an advanced degree in a relevant field. All committee members must attend or participate in at least one conference each year in their field of work or have one publication credit per year. Persons from all nations are eligible to join the committee.
Principle duties of committee members:
- Preparing an annual call for papers (CFP) for the FANS Conference and our peer-reviewed, open access journal, The Phoenix Papers (ISSN 2325-2316)
- Promulgation and/or publication of same in relevant venues
- Reviewing submitted papers and voting on acceptance
- Editing accepted papers per the FANS Style Guide
To be considered for editorial committee membership, please submit a full professional CV/resume for consideration. FANS Health and Biology Studies will go live in August 2017 or when the committee is fully established, whichever happens first.
Committee Members:
- Shannon McDonald, ADN, Chair
- Amanda Perry Pustejovskey, RN, BSN
- Justin Pedigo, PharmD