Fandom and Neomedia Studies

The Phoenix Papers, Vol. 3, No. 1

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Ladies, Gentlemen, and Otherwise, it is our pleasure and privilege to bring you the latest edition of The Phoenix Papers.

Cover and Front Matter

J. Holder Bennett, FANS Chair


Fandom Conventions: A Sociological Theoretical Perspective

Dr. Ronald Lorenzo, Prairie View A & M University


Fan Fiction as a Digital Descendant of Transformative Literature

Elizabeth Jendrzey, Texas Women’s University


Fans Love It a Latte: The Rise and Participatory Nature of Coffee Shop AUs

Katharine McCain, Ohio State University


Optimal Distinctiveness Needs as Predictors of Identification in the Anime Fandom

Dr. Stephen Reysen, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Dr. Courtney N. Plante, Iowa State University

Dr. Sharon E. Roberts, Renison University College, University of Waterloo

Dr. Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Niagara County Community College


The Flash and His Fantastic Fear of Ferocious Fans

Kyle A. Hammonds, University of North Texas

Garrett Hammonds, University of North Texas


Theories and Implications of the Proteus Effect on Cosplay

Connor Leshner, Arizona State University


Psychological Needs Predict Fanship and Fandom in Anime Fans

Adam Ray, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Dr. Courtney N. Plante, Iowa State University

Dr. Stephen Reysen, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Dr. Sharon E. Roberts, Renison University College, University of Waterloo

Dr. Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Niagara County Community College


The Social Character of Contemporary Board Game Culture

Dr. Ronald Lorenzo, Prairie View A & M University


The Rise of Anime and Manga Fan Conventions in the Saudi Arabian Peninsula

Jonathan Tarbox, Prince Sultan University


The Takarazuka Revue’s Kabuki Connection: Gender Performativity as Escape and Indoctrination

Stefanie Thomas, Ohio State University


Seeing with Shinigami Eyes: Death Note as a Case Study in Narrative, Naming, and Control

Kyle A. Hammonds, University of North Texas

Garrett Hammonds, University of North Texas


When Culture is a Trend: The #Angelers Fandom

Dr. Stefania Berutti, Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute

Dr. Giovina Caldarola, La Capagrossa Coworking

Dr. Astrid D’Eredità, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Taranto

Antonia Falcone, Archeomatica

Mattia Mancini, University of Pisa


Accuracy of Perceived Prejudice toward One’s Fan Group

Dr. Stephen Reysen, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Dr. Courtney N. Plante, Iowa State University

Dr. Sharon E. Roberts, Renison University College, University of Waterloo

Dr. Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Niagara County Community College


A Brief History of Cosplay

Helen McCarthy


A Brief History of Cosplay (Slides)

Helen McCarthy


Linguistic Gendering of Non-Traditional Female Characters in Japanese Translations of American Superhero Movies

Stefanie Thomas, Ohio State University


Identity through Performance and Play: Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One

Anelise Farris, Idaho State University


Changing Hegemonic Definitions through Vlogging: Dattoisanguy’s Performance of Gendered Hardcore on YouTube

Melissa Chen, University of San Francisco

Dr. Genevieve Yuek-Ling Leung, University of San Francisco


Anime Fans to the Rescue: Evidence of Daniel Wann’s Team Identification-Social Psychological Health Model

Dr. Stephen Reysen, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Dr. Courtney N. Plante, Iowa State University

Dr. Sharon E. Roberts, Renison University College, University of Waterloo

Dr. Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Niagara County Community College


Who Pays the Piper?: Japanese Post-War Legislation and the Negotiation of Cultural Identity

Dr. Darren-Jon Ashmore, Yamanashi Gakuin University


“Melt into the Green”: Nature and the Treatment of Evil in Antichrist

Justin Holliday, Tri-County Technical College


Work Life Balance of Women Professionals in Media Industry in India

Dr. Jayanthi Ramadorai, Acharya Bangalore B School


Examination of Anime Content and Associations between Anime Consumption, Genre Preferences, and Ambivalent Sexism

Dr. Stephen Reysen, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Dr. Iva Katzarska-Miller, Transylvania University

Dr. Courtney N. Plante, Iowa State University

Dr. Sharon E. Roberts, Renison University College, University of Waterloo

Dr. Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Niagara County Community College


Hiroshima to 3.11: Manga and Anime in the Aftermath of Tragedy

Angela Drummond-Matthews, University of North Texas at Dallas

Deborah Scally, University of North Texas at Dallas


The Discourse of the Sci-Fi Fan Civil War of 1980 as Seen in Anime Magazines

Dr. Renato Rivera Rusca, Meiji University


Anime Genre Preferences and Paranormal Beliefs

Dr. Stephen Reysen, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Dr. Courtney N. Plante, Iowa State University

Dr. Sharon E. Roberts, Renison University College, University of Waterloo

Dr. Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Niagara County Community College


Ukiyo-e, World War II, and Walt Disney: The Influences on Tezuka Osamu’s Development of the Modern World of Anime and Manga

Katherine Thornton-Gibson, Oklahoma State University


Digital Cosplay and Postmodern Constructs of Community

Dr. Ed Hoff, Nagoya University


Routes to Fandom Discovery and Expression of Fan Identity in Furry, Anime, and Fantasy Sports Fans

Dr. Stephen Reyson, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Dr. Courtney N. Plante, Iowa State University

Dr. Sharon E. Roberts, Renison University College, University of Waterloo

Dr. Kathleen C. Gerbasi, Niagara County Community College

Catherine Schroy, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Amanda Gamboa, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Jessica Gamboa, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Tanner McCarter, Texas A & M University-Commerce


“That’s Not Funny”: Pages on How the Demon Clown of Gotham City Learned (Not) to Love and What That Has to Do with Anything, Like Maybe the American Zeitgeist

Kyle A. Hammonds, University of North Texas


Quest Motivation Uniquely Predicts Outgroup Evaluation in Fan Communities

Daniel Chadborn, Texas A & M University-Commerce

Dr. Courtney N. Plante, Iowa State University

Dr. Stephen Reysen, Texas A & M University-Commerce


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