UPDATE: The Friday evening social event has been moved to 7:00pm at the Veranda Restaurant in Atrium I.
UPDATE II: The 4:30pm presentation by Darby Cook is now moved to 4:00pm, and Helen McCarthy and Jonathan Tarbox will be presenting at 4:30pm.
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Otherwise, it is our privilege and pleasure to announce the full 2015 FANS Conference Schedule with abstracts. Unless otherwise noted, all events are in the Senator Lecture Hall. For the version with full abstracts, please see this page. A downloadable version of the program is available here.
Friday, 5 June
9:00 – 17:00: Registration
18:00 – 20:00: Socializing, Media Bar Private Room
Saturday, 6 June
9:00: Doors Open
9:15: Opening Remarks, J. Holder Bennett, FANS Chair
9:30: Cultures in Select Science Fiction, Utopian and Dystopian, Evan Kowalski, Collin College
10:00: Latinas Are My Favorite Fruit: The Consumption of Hispanic Women in Hollywood Cinema, Sonya Herridge, University of Houston at Clear Lake
10:30: Unfortunate Son: The Captain America of the 1950s and the Historical Memory of McCarthyism, Dr. Michael A. Davis, Laredo Community College
11:00: Fairy Tales Revisted, Nathan Robert Brown, Mythologist
11:30: A Person, Not a Pin-Up: Subverting the Asian Action Heroine with Pacific Rim‘s Mako Mori, Megan Fowler, University of Florida
12:00 Saibata Puppets: Bamboo Shoots (西畑人形:たけのこ), Dr. Darren Jon Ashmore, Yamanashi Gakuin University
12:30 – 13:30: Lunch
13:30: Keynote: Cyborg: 009: An Anime Retrospective, sponsored by Funimation; Ishikawa Mitsuhisa of Production IG, Helen McCarthy, Jonathan Tarbox, Justin Rojas, Tara McKinney, J. Holder Bennett
14:30: “You Cannot See Yourself Unless There Are Others”: Sekaikei as Existentialist Exhortation of Societal Participation, Stefanie Thomas, Ohio State University
15:00: “Ode to Joy”: Beethoven’s Daiku in Anime, Heike Hoffer, Ohio State University
15:30: An Examination of Anime Fan Stereotypes, Dr. Stephen Reysen*, Dr. Courtney N. Plante, Dr. Sharon E. Roberts, Kathleen C. Gerbasi, and Jennifer Shaw; Texas A & M University at Commerce, Renison University College of the University of Waterloo, and Niagara County Community College (* = presenter)
16:00: Elvis after Elvis: The Posthumous Career of a Living Legend, Darby Cook, New York University
16:30: The Place of Cyborg 009 in Anime Fandom History, Helen McCarthy and Jonathan Tarbox
17:00: Investigating Queer Revolt in Atsuko Asano’s No. 6, John Francis, Independent Scholar
17:30: Afternoon Break
18:00: “Everything Was Anticipated, Every Eventuality Allowed For”: Fan Service, Past and Present, in “The Empty Hearse,” Maria Alberto, Cleveland State University
18:30: Different Motivations as Predictors of Psychological Connection to Fan Interest and Fan Groups in Anime, Furry, and Fantasy Sport Fandoms; Catherine Schroy*, Courtney N. Plante, Dr. Stephen Reysen, Dr. Sharon E. Roberts, and Kathleen C. Gerbasi; Texas A & M University at Commerce, Renison University College of the University of Waterloo, and Niagara County Community College (* = presenter)
19:00: Dragons, Dwarves, and Cubes: The Role of Player Agency in Games and its Effects on Modding Communities, Brian McKitrick, University of Texas at Dallas
19:30: Misogyny and Philogyny in the Vampire Mythos, Rachel Head, University of North Texas
20:00: The Tropes that Time Forgot, Melissa Frennea and Lisa Bonanni, BL Garden of DFW (18+ only panel)
20:30: Yaoi, Bara, and Slash: A Comparative Analysis of Gay Media in Japan and the West, Melissa Frennea, Lisa Bonanni, and Cho Large; BL Garden of DFW (18+ only panel)
21:00: End of Day
Sunday, 7 June
10:00: Real Money in Gaming Economies, Jonathan Davis, FANS Committee
10:30: Fans’ Parasocial Connections to Dystopian Literary Characters: A Conceptual Typology, Dr. Jacki Fitzpatrick and Felix Morgan, Texas Tech University
11:00: Sacred Time and Ritualistic Behavior at Harry Potter Book Releases and Film Premieres, Tyler Jean Dukes, Texas State University
11:30: Viewers, Users, Fans: Brazilian Telenovelas and Cross-Media Usage, Júnia Cristina Ortiz Matos, Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
12:00 Authoring Bronies, Meta Henty, Texas Christian University
12:30: Closing Remarks, TBA